
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Must prepare this powder, then see its super excellence

Ubqari Magazine - December 2019

If there is pain in eye……..Surat Humaza: If you have pain in eye then do solicit on eye after reading surat Humaza, pain will recovered. Read must darood sharif 3 times before and after.

Readers! I choose precious pearls for you and do not hide it .You also become generous and must write (Editor: Sheikh ul wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chugtai)

I have a family tip

A person during a meeting started saying that you give your spiritual and physical tip to the people without hiding it and without any illiberality. I have a family tip. My grandfather used to make it and sell it in four pennies in that days when earning of a labor was 10 pennies, many people take it some people get recovered by using one parcel (puria) and some people get recovered by using some parcels, after my grandfather we made this, some people of my family used to sell it after making it but I never sell it, always make in a small quantity and when give to some persons never take rupees, today I have taken time of meeting with you because t comes to my heart that I give it to you after making it but since you are also a hakeem so that’s why I have taken this remedy for you so that you make it by your own self. I took that paper by saying thank you to him. When I focus on ingredients then I feel the power and benefits in the ingredients.

Actually got benefit, got energy, impression and benefit

I used to write that ingredients to people so that they make it themselves and you will get benefit, who make it got benefit actually. I have many incidents of such type that people give me remedies and tips and I thanked them, their generosity benefitted many people. I want to share some benefits of this tip. The people who got tired by doing in abstinence and at last due to in abstinence they become patient of stomach, liver, heart muscles and nerves. I make use of this tip from such kind of people. A person said, “I sleep whole night, when I get up in the morning I am tired then I sleep again after having some food , if I do a little work I become tired, my nerves become tired, my body gets worried, mental and nervous stress remain all time, I don’t like to talk to anyone, I wants someone to compress me, person gets tired by compressing me but fatigue of muscles does not stop. For this I ate many tablets, applied injections, done tests but nothing benefitted me.

Body become light like flower

From since you give this powder to make, and I use by making it from that day I get benefit. I took one spoon of  this powder and took it only for 1 time and sometime I took 3 times and sometime I took it for only 1 time , the benefit I got from it is very amazing, whole body become light like flower. I realized that I become totally healthy.

For heart, brain and formation of vapours and gas in body

Then I gave this medicine to many people, there were some people in my family who were suffering from such problems I gave this remedy to them, they use it and got benefit and the biggest benefit of it is that it helps in blood formation, makes digestion of food easy, and generates energy and make less secretion.

For vomiting and stomach problems of pregnant woman

When I gave this powder to them, they use it and found it very beneficial. That person said that during pregnancy most women suffer from vomiting and stomach problem, I ask her to taste this powder throughout the day. The more she tasted it, more she became healthy. And their mind became fresh. Moreover, women who apted toward obesity after pregnancy, I also gave this powder to them and their body is also apted toward healthy body.

  It does not have anything of harm

Readers! As I received this medicine I started to spread it among people and started to tell its remedy to people. The best part of it is that it does not consist of anything of harm. From baby of one day to the old person of 100 age use this remedy and when they found it beneficial they gave it to other and many people found it beneficial. In today life, to eat unbalanced diet and to eat continuously and not give rest to stomach and your body, due to this not sometime but the stomach of almost every third person remain upset for the stomach disorder in body. Write down this prescription. 

Huwal shafi: Black pepper 10 grams, nosh war 30 grams  SUNDH 40 grams , white zeera 50 grams, AJWAIN local 50 grams , all these things should be powdered   together and kept safe somewhere .   One spoon or half spoon should be given to adults. For children in one day two or four times one pinch along with water. I gave this gimmick to people who had acne , pimples or freckles. All of these were finished. So also gave it to people who had old back pain, pain in muscles or joints. Amazing gimmick you should also keep this chorine prepared in the house and then see the benefit of Gas, air or increase in belly or getting fat or may be all the time tension in nerves or issue.  All these pains are increasing in our society a lot. Please remember that the health of any society can be guessed from two things. How many food points are there and how many doctors and hospitals are there.   That means two things are there first thing is that food and medicine. Where there is excess of food or food and medicine and In every nook and corner medicine and food is being sold that cannot be a healthy society.   This is always sick and crippled society. So crippled and sick always give crippled and sickening suggestion and this situation is disease. He never gets healthy life and he always spends a patient life.  Same situation is like that in our nature, sick behavior is increasing. And the basic reason is that of food situation that I eat so much and how much give to our body. All time we are tense due to indigestion and gas and air.   Come we should become friends with this medical gimmick. Don’t leave the care of food.  Do not trust medicine. Really we have finished ourselves. We have given to our body’s illness and cripples. Then try this medical gimmick. Only one feed will put life in our body. All diseases hepatitis, old constipation, gas and air in stomach, rising gas in mind or heart and stretch in nerves all these things will get out of body.  It will feel as there are no

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